Hey Everyone! 🤩
I hope you all have a great summer! Can you believe it's almost christmas? Jingle bells, Jingle bel... euh sorry, back to the summer!
Great to see everybody is enjoying the new art plugin and I've seen many amazing creative artworks already so let's hold a contest!
The theme is: Space
So if its a fallen star, a cosmic sky or a space shuttle, it has to fit the theme!
Ofcourse you don't do that for nothing, Duh!
First place: Elite + a perk (silk or fly) or 10,- store credit + 25k in game money
Second place: 1x grand key and 15k in game
Third place: 1x supernova key and 7500,- in game money
The rules:
- You can only give up one art piece!
- It can be 1 canvas big or 5x5, I dont care! Go wild!
- Judges are me (Poke) and Tip and other staff members who decide to not attend the art contest.
- You can give your art up for the contest untill friday 18th of august. That same weekend we will draw the winners!
If you finish your art > Go to /pw art and drop it in the hopper! (left at the lamp) If its multiple canvasses, make sure its in a shulker!
You can also just give it to me when I'm online!
Good luck!
Ps: All winning art work will be somewhere in spawn untill the next contest ^^ So make it puuuurdy!
Art not your thing? Sit back tight, we got good stuff coming! ♂️