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Tomorrow, Friday 16 august at 15.00 CEST the brand new season on OrionCraft will start. Check out the brand new TRAILER *click here*Come checkout our new season with many new features such as: ItemfilterNo more full inventory when mining (Elite rank and above)use command /itemfilter menu to select what you wanna pick up and not. To activate use /itemfilter toggleItem showShow of your grind or your item/shulker in chat with [i] or [item]
The TRADE commandNo more TP-ing to people or unsafe trades. Trade from your pase with /trade playername and go for safe trades!
Custom Biomes and custom netherLet your creativity go wild and make a big fairy house in the beautifull fairy area or go for a dark dungeon in lava land! New scrollsStart voting, when the pinata spawns you have a rare chance of the pinata scroll dropping. Which contain a SUPER rare tag. In the Galaxy scroll is ALSO a super rare tag! Let's see how many people can get them!New cratesBrand new crates with new collections, Summer crate and many new rewards. Voting now gives 1 orion key instead of a scroll. PVPFight in the brand new /warp PVP to be number 1 on the leaderboard!Pyrofishing rewardsWon pyrofishing tournament? Yay! You get a VIRTUAL key (because after fishing your inventory is often full) Head over to the crates and win goodies that can help you progress with pyrofishing. Supply eventSee the notification in chat? Head over to the resourceworld with /wild and find the supply event which contains many chests with suprises! New hubeasy acces to BloomCadia and OrionCraft with the brand new hub, make more friends! From the server use /hub to get back and switch! No need to get out of the full server to switch! And so much more! All on 1.21 so you can catch your armedillo's and start your army of cute new dogs! It's gonna be an AWESOME season and im super excited! Hope to see you soon!
6 months ago
Hi everybody, We are proud to announce that in the upcoming month we’re packing our bags for the next season. With that said we’ve decided to merge the 2 servers in one hub. Meaning: If you connect to one of the servers you come into a hub where you can go to both servers. If the server has auto restart or maintenance you will be send to the hub. Most likely minigames such as parkour will be added into this and making brand new friends! This means staff is also crossover and we’re working on a system where you can call a staff member from the other server in emergency.
This is what you can take
We are no longer buying diamond and netherite blocks out of the shop to sell back into the new world so millions are easily gained. No, that’s not how we do survival. No more filling shulkers with thousands of building blocks.
The only things that you can pack are
Armor/tools/tags and customs from the crates such as scrolls,
claimblock vouchers etc.
Art, 1 of each creation that you’ve made. So no copies.
Spawners Augments and Vessels will be reset from tools.
So no diamond blocks, no trims, no sniffer eggs, no empty shulkers, no custom enchants book etc. Just the list above. Questions? Let me know! Don't have a PV? no worries, make a ticket and Ill put it in my PV! reminder all PV's will be CHECKED _____________________________________
This is what we’re gonna reset
All leaderboards
And ofcourse the world
Im proud to announce we’re making some big changes such as Custom biomes and structures Item filter Showcase your item in chat brand new hub Crates rework Pyromining V5 launch if ready We might add Pyrofarming as well! And more that we didn’t decide on yet!
Staff crossover
Staff is crossover which will mean both staff needs to have knowledge of both servers and have the right perms for the right rank they have. If you think you’re fitting for the staff team for a big network, you can apply on the forums or in a ticket towards me. Like to create media? I’d like to hear from you as well! My role mostly remains the same but I’m gonna focus a bit more on marketing/recruiting/staff/events and server fixes so I will have less time to create media.
ETA around end of June with the new update for both servers. The server will close 1 or 2 weeks before and all PV’s will be checked if they are fitting for the reset and to remove augments/Vessels
I’ve also decided to give most a second chance. This will mean most people will be unbanned in the next season beside certain people depending what the ban is on. Let’s go for another chance and see how that works out! For now, sit tight and I hope to see you all soon. Much love - Poke & Ghost
9 months ago
BIG ANNOUNCEMENTBloomcadia & Orioncraft are gonna merge! 1 hub, 2 servers, more friends, crossover staff! More info on what you can take on OrionCraft will be announced soon here & on discord! See you soon!CLICK HERE FOR THE TRAILER!
9 months ago
Spooky Season officially started at OrionCraft and we couldn't be happier!We have some amazing events and updates for you ready! So sit back, relax and take your time to read this new big update!
Brand New SpawnFully in halloween theme, and you might've guessed it. The Halloween theme this year is... HEROBRINE. They say herobrine is a hoax.. but spawn shows you otherwise 🤯Massive thanks to GoldenWolf_41 to transform our spawn to our flavour!
Brand New Crate | How to obtain keysNew crate full with a new OP collection and amazing tags all in Halloween theme.
There are multiple ways to get keys.
Headhunt > find all 20 Herobrine heads to get 2 Halloween keys. Same rules as before. (No alts and no Tours)
In the Cosmic crate is a **Trick or Treat** bag. You might get killed, you might get smitten or.. you will recieve a shard.
Redeem 4 shards at the Halloween NPC next to the crates to redeem your Halloween key. Better start voting!
Catch the Herobrine Platinum fish (0,4% chance) to get a Halloween key!
And offcourse, very important to us: You can support us by buying them in the store:
New plugins: Pyromining and PyrofishingFight mini bosses and grind your way all the way through the augments and vessels. More information about both plugins can be found here: Pyromining Guide and Pyrofishing Guide
Pyrofishing has tournaments that start when at least 2 players are online.
Pyromining event "The Unknown" starts at 22 october and more about it can be read here: The UnknownAnd yes, this will make you jump. Note: You need to be pyromining level 15 to participate in "The Unknown" event. You level up your pyromining by mining ores.
Halloween Creativity EventBuilding contest untill 30 october. Theme Halloween. Size is unlimited but, make sure you CLAIM your build in order to protect it. So make me a Halloween castle or make me a decorated spooky house...A carved pumpkin or maybe a Herobrine statue! Let your creativity go wild! Done with your build? Make a ticket or tell Poke so I can set homes!
If you're not gonna enter the contest, Tip and I can use some judges 😀 Make a ticket to apply for a judge role!
Prices1st place | Elite Rank + 1 perk (or store credit) 3 Halloween keys and 3 trick or treat bags. 2nd place: 50k, 2 Halloween keys and 2 trick or treat bags.3rd place: 25k, 1 Halloween Key and 1 trick or treat bag.
about 1 year ago
Pyromining is another plugin by Pyrotempus and my favorite all time. It boosts up your mining game with drops, bosses, vessels and more. The grind is insane. The first time finishing Pyromining took me 9 months. Pyromining BasicsIf you mine ores you level up your pyromining level and gaining zeta (Pyromining currency). Zeta you need to upgrade your skills in /mine artifacts and to craft vessels. Other then Pyrofishing the grind of mining is a bit harder. You need to gain fossils. Fossils you get out of artifacts. When you mine ores artifacts,mysterious dust and gemstones will drop. These are all part of Pyromining. If you open an artifact it will show you how much chance you have to get an unidentified fossil. When the time is passed you open /mine artifacts again and get them out and the drops will fall near you. Make sure you have inventory space. You need all 8 body parts of 1 kind. There are 16 VESSEL kinds so each have 8 body parts. This makes the grind insane. Especially because some vessels go up to level 10 or higher. So for example the Sklylark vessel, if you wanna craft it you need:Skylarks SkullSkylarks SpineSkylarks WingsSkylarks ArmSkylarks RibSkylarks LegSkylarks FootSkylarks TailWhen you get all 8 of the same type you can put them in a refinery (Dropper with fence up top) and craft them. You see some lightnining and the vessel will pop out. Then the work begins and you need to progress the vessel. When a vessel is in progress you see it next to your pickaxe name on top, when finished, its on the bottom as your lore and from that time it gives u the benefits according to the vessel in /mine vessels. When you progress the vessel you need to mine more ores, little thralls will spawn that you need to kill and if u use the command /mine vessel click on your pickaxe and the data will load. Thralls have a cooldown and in the beginning the % of progressing through the tralls goes slow. but if all are on 100% it will identify the requiums you need, if you load those in, the big boss will spawn and you can finally finish your vessel. To progress faster focus on the necro vessel and boost up your /mine singularity. You can spawn rune guardians and deliver the runes it needs to gain singularity points. Those mini bosses are strong but not as strong as oracles.
You get rune dust out of mysterious dust. On mysterious dust is shown what the drops will be:
I always wait untill im pyromining level 30+ before I use my dust because u need those shattered requium orbs to finish a vessel. Without those your vessel won't finish and the boss will get more angry and angry, sometimes spawning with mining every ore. The vessel bosses get stronger each level as well. I suggest to buckle up good because at level 20 the thralls ánd the vessels will easily one slap you. If you just like to fight very, very strong bosses charge your oracleite (mine diamond ore with it offhand untill it turns gold) and use that on emerald ore. You can spawn oracles now but those are no joke. Theyre extremly strong and I don't suggest spawning them in diamond armor.
Atm only 2 oracles are able to spawn but keep your light runes that you get from the second boss. Tohka (boss 3) had some issues so is disabled right now but will come back in V5. Commands list/mine journal | Shows you ton of info about pyromining/mine shop | Sell your gemstones and fluxes here to gain some extra bucks/mine stats | Check your level and such/mine zeta | amount of zeta you have /mine vessels | here you can withdraw your zeta to sell or withdraw your vessels to switch to a new pickaxe and see the progress/mine artifacts | identify your artifacts in here and withdraw when the time has passedWhen im progressed a bit, I will make a video of pyromining :-) If you have any questions, let us know!
about 1 year ago